
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Revolving Spheres Blog/ A dedication to poetry works

If you have arrived here either willingly or by mistake, I say welcome. I go by the stage name of Blogoratti -you may have seen me on social media or better yet visited my lifestyle blog . My life experiences vary from the mundane to the unusual and it is all revealed in my writings -like the sun peeking out of mellow clouds. I have been blogging for many years and my main blog contains various elements of my tastes and pursuits in life. Which brings me back to the reason for creating this new blog. Revolving spheres is a poetry blog and the name is inspired by 'The Sphere's Song' poem by Rumi. A much loved poet with ecstatic work and to think he was born in the year 1207 and with a massive following all around the world. This blog is a sanctuary for poet lovers and the like. Even though you have no inkling for poetry please feel welcome to glance in every once in a while to have a view of how words can become more powerful than a storm. I will be sharing some of my